Why I Attend Bariatric ConferencesAround this time every year, shortly before the Weight Loss Surgery Foundation of America’s Annual Fundraising Bariatric Conference I summarize why I choose to attend bariatric conferences, and this one in particular.


First of all, if you want to find out more about the conference, which is coming up in Orlando May 17 - 19th go to http://www.wlsfa.org/orlando/ or send me an email asking questions to sandih@wlsfa.org.

Why I Attend Bariatric ConferencesThis conference is my favorite for so many reasons, including my membership on the Executive Board of Directors of course.  My primary reason for attending is the ability to pay it forward by sharing my experiences with other WLS patients, or those just learning about it, and by doing so I also help fund grants for surgeries for those who are in medical need and do not have the insurance coverage or the financial ability to pay for the surgery.  Next is to meet new folks from all over the country, and some from all over the world who have shared this life saving experience.  It’s true, “Birds of a feather do flock together.”

Why I Attend Bariatric ConferencesCan you say education?  With doctors speaking about procedures, psychologists speaking to our emotional journeys, and vendors handing out samples and information I ALWAYS learn something new.  I love trying new products and new and inspiring ways of being.  Speaking about ways of being, we always have trainers leading fitness classes to show you not only how to do it, but how to modify “it” for your abilities and restrictions.  We Stomp Out Obesity with a 5K on Saturday morning May 18th, and pedal it away with Bike with Bill on Sunday morning May 19th so there need be no break in your fitness routine, or you may learn some new moves and find out you LOVE something you never even tried before.

Why I Attend Bariatric Conferences
Why I Attend Bariatric Conferences

Now say FUN!  We have a great time mixing and mingling on Friday night May 17th with bari- bites and “mocktails” -  a different theme each year.  Last year it was the heritage of San Antonio and this year it is the Flamingle in Orlando…  Come as you are or dress the theme, it’s your choice with no pressure but the night is sure to be fun, whether you are super social or just a people watcher.

Then there is Saturday Night May 18th which is typically a Sparkle and Shine, Bling Out and strut the “new you”.  It’s fun to dress up and compete for the Bling King and Queen titles and walk across the stage with your new confidence.  Or, just enjoy watching after a delicious, WLS Friendly dinner.  I have heard that we have an American Idol Contestant who has had weight loss surgery and got to Hollywood in the process of the Idol competition joining us.  Could it be Ryan Hammond?  This year The Saturday Night theme is Havana Nights so put a tropical flair on your choice of attire if you choose.  My hubby is happy because he doesn’t have to wear a suit this year.  Come and join us and sparkle and shine how you choose.


Why I Attend Bariatric ConferencesSunday morning May 19th is our traditional breakfast and “Quiche Goodbye” with our Ambassador of Hope, Carnie Wilson speaking to the group.

I left out all of the wonderful raffle prizes including Vita Mix blenders, a bicycle, and sooooo many other prizes that have been donated helping our primary effort to raise money to fund grants for surgeries,


There’s still time to register and join us - no matter where you live.  Bring a friend, everyone is welcome.


Why I Attend Bariatric Conferences