Learning To Love ME – Success After Weight Loss Surgery


Comments (5)

  1. Tiana


    Nice story!! Congratulations on your success. Thank you for sharing your story for those of us that still struggle to believe that we are worth the change in ourselves I’m 7 months post op I’m starting to feel better physically but have yet to accept that I need to change my mindset So ready your story I believe is a start for me with that. Thanks again

    • Reply

      Tiana you are a work in progress. Never forget that and just keep moving forward. You are worthy of self love and self care.

  2. Reply

    Very nice story, thank you for sharing it. Congratulations on your weight loss and successful transformation. You’re beautiful from the inside and it comes out to the outside.
    We you really in college at 17? WOW.

  3. Michelle


    Thank you for sharing this. I really needed to read this today. You are such a great person and you inspire me in many ways. Thank you

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